Today we visited the museum of fine arts, Boston and went to see the Robert McCloskey exhibits. Robert wrote and illustrated books such as
Make way for Ducklings,
Blueberries for Sal,
One Morning in Main, and
Burt Dow Deep-Water Man. I had never heard of
Burt Dow, Deep-Water Man before today but now it is one of my favorite pictures books ever.

The book is about how a man named Burt Dow had a boat named the Tidley-Idley that is painted with colors of paint from left over cans. One day Burt goes out to see to catch cod for dinner for his sister and him. Burt brings along a giggly gull. While they are out sailing Burt catches something and he is not able to pull it up. Finally, when he does it turns out that Burt's cod hook was stuck on the tail of a whale. Burt took the hook out of the whale's tale and then put a peppermint striped band aid on it. With Burt was doing this he did not pay attention to the weather and when he notices it again the waves are rough and it is not safe to sail on the old Tidley-Idley. Burt asks the whale if he can swallow him temporarily to wait out the storm. The whale agrees and swallows Burt, the boat, and the giggly gull. After the storm settled down Burt wanted to get out of the stomach of a whale. Burt had to make the whale sick to get it to cough out the boat. Burt decides to paint the whales stomach; as he is painting Burt realizes that he is expressing himself in the art. Once he makes the whale sick enough the whale coughs him up. When the boat settles on the water Burt notices that all he can see is the whales. He asks them in he can get by but they all splash their tales at him. Burt then realizes what they want. Burt then puts a peppermint band aid on each of the whales tails. Once he is done he has one band aid left and decides to save that for his sister because he thinks it will be a fun joke and something he will like.