Thursday, March 30, 2017

Anti-Bucket List

An anti-bucket list is things that I hope I never do before I die.

  • Go skydiving
  • Get in a car crash
  • Go bungee jumping
  • Go to a monster truck rally
  • Experience a dust storm
  • Go upside down on a roller coaster
  • Go to the Oscars
  • Go to the Grammies
  • Hike in a blizzard
  • Swim with sharks
  • Go scuba diving
  • Get frost bite


  1. Most of these I get entirely. But why in the world do you not want to scuba dive? It's really fun. Hm. Well, great slice! I love the idea!

  2. I like the idea of this slice. I agree with some but some I've done and are fun.

  3. There are some that I definitely agree with and some, like scuba diving, I feel very differently about. This is a really cool idea. Nice slice!

  4. On the other hand, experiencing a dust storm while hiking through a blizzard would be great, although I understand why hiking through a Dairy Queen Storage Facility might be weird
