Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Places I Want to travel to

Here are four places I would like to travel to and reasons why I want to travel there.

  1. Australia, it has a great evolution and has a lot of unique animals.
  2. Greenland, it use to be a continent. 
  3. Holland, windmills and flowers
  4. Antartica, it has an amazing landscape and is not very populated


  1. This sounds like a good list. I think Antarctica would be cool.

  2. I agree! Except for traveling to Antarctica, you can see the other attractions (i.e penguins) all over the southern hemisphere, and if you want ice, you can go to Alaska. I wouldn't want to go to Antarctica and I'm sure it wouldn't want yet another tourist. But I agree with Holland, Greenland/Kalliat Nuunat, and Australia-- those would all be awesome places to visit.
