Sunday, March 19, 2017


My friend Mari and I use to play a game called Mudville. Mudville is a village that Mari and I built out of mud. The village was on the side of my house. Mudville had a river that ran through it and then turned into a lake. Mari and I would build mud houses on the side of the river. We would also make piers and bridges. After we spent time building Mudville we would turn on the water and had the hose fill up the river and once the lake was filled up it would flood the village and the houses would get destroyed along with the bridges and piers. Once that happened we were done playing the game until the next time we would build Mudville again.


  1. That sounds like a very interesting and kind of boring game. Nice slice!!

  2. I've made a Sandville (what it sounds like) every year we go on a river trip. You can make "drizzle castles" and it looks really cool... until the river corrodes it. Hmph. Anyways, great slice! This does sound like fun.
