Monday, March 6, 2017

The Godfather

Last night I watched The Godfather. I was surprised that it was three hours long. For those of you that do not know about the godfather it is a movie that's about the mafia. This is a famous movie that a lot of other movie and television shows reference. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy the movie. I thought the ending fell flat and never concluded or solved the whole plot of the movie, but I guess that's why it's a trilogy. It just seems like if they make a three hour movie that lags on for an hour longer than it should, they should complete the story and explain everything instead of just leaving the audience dumbstruck and confused about how the ending made sense.  


  1. Oh. I have had the Godfather in the list of movies that I sorta want to watch. Maybe now I want. Nice slice! (Hey, I rhymed)

  2. Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.
    (Seriously, the sequel to the godfather is arguably better than the original. Even if you didn't enjoy the first one, it's still worth the watch.)

  3. Hmm, I have never (surprisingly) heard that much about the Godfather, and I probably will not watch it now. At least you were honest. Nice slice!
