Saturday, March 11, 2017

Our Town

I have decided to list some of my favorite moments of the play.

  1. You can go snack now those that snack.
  2.  That great gangling thing'
  3. Have you tried singing over your voice like this, ahhhhhhhhhhh!
  4. Are you going to raise chickens on your farm George?
  5. Oh Mr. Webb, Mr. Webb is there any culture or love of beauty in Grovers Corners?
If you have any other favorite scenes or moments from the play I would love to hear what they are. Also be sure to buy tickets to see Our Town.


  1. Great moments from rehearsals would include "you may fist-bump the bride," "the ladder-- it killed her!" and, shortly after auditions, "goodbye, my favorite Starbucks cappuccino. Goodbye, world." But yeah, this is a great slice. Another one would be where George enters the Webb's before the wedding and sees Jackson. The screaming succession still manages to make me jump, as does the coffee cup shenanigan. Great slice!

    1. No no, you forgot the best one: "Then it can't be since I was born, or since the baby was married...oh whoops."

  2. I'm excited for Our Town. Sounds to me like rehearsals are pretty funny.

  3. Whenever I'm on that huge rant to George, I always mess up because i'm supossed to say "and then you began spending all your time at baseball" but instead I always accidentally say "and then you began spending all you time with Mrs. Corcoran" Oh well...
