Friday, March 17, 2017


I was unsure of what to write about for today's blog so I looked up what to blog about. I went to one website with 81 topic ideas. I decided to list my favorite ideas this person gave.

  1. Male guide to female communication
  2. Hamburgers
  3. Ghost-hunting
  4. The art of getting what you want
  5. How to become a famous rock star
  6. Sports photography
  7. Learning the ukulele
  8. Build a boat and cross the Pacific in it
  9. Getting good at tennis and qualifying for Wimbledon
  10.  The end of the world and the Maya prophecies for December 21, 2012
Here is the link if you want to look at the others.


  1. That's funny. I like the ones that you chose. Great job!

  2. Those are really funny ideas. I think you should do some like Hamburgers for a future blog.
